Intensity and ground motion analysis


What is SIGMA


Ground motion parameters by interactive analysis


Interactive comparison of GMPEs

Ground motion parameters

SIGMA and AUTOSIGMA compute and visualize strong ground motion parameters for earthquakes. The calculated parameters can be stored as incidents in a database and used to create customized reports. While AUTOSIGMA computes the strong motion parameters automatically based on a static configuration, SIGMA provides a highly flexible user-interaction through a modern and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI).


  • Interactive and automatic strong ground motion analysis for earthquakes
  • Map generation for MMI, PGA, PGV
  • Computation of earthquake engineering parameters
  • Comparison, evaluation and selection of Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs)


  • User friendly and modern interactive graphical interface
  • Semi-automatic and interactive data processing
  • Maps showing intensity (MMI)
  • Maps showing Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and Velocity (PGV) RMS of acceleration, velocity and displacement
  • Arias (Ia) and characteristic (Ic) intensities
  • Cumulative absolute velocity (CAV)
  • Specific energy density (SED)
  • Predominant (Tp) and mean (Tm) periods
  • Fourier, power and response spectra
  • Interactive definition of complex rupture geometries
  • Interface to SeisComP and FDSN web services for importing seismic events
  • Handling of internal incidents and export to the SIGMA database
  • Supporting open source C++ and Python plugins
  • Interface to OpenQuake hazard library and user-defined python scripts for calculating the ground motion parameters
  • Report generation based on user-defined scripts
  • On-the-fly customization of processing and look and feel parameters.

Brochure Documentation


Our modules for strong ground motion analysis comprise AUTOSIGMA for automatic and SIGMA for highly interactive data processing.

AUTOSIGMA is triggered automatically by seismic events received from SeisComP or manually by on operator. It computes the ground motion parameters for configured regions and stations based on pre-defined thresholds and processing parameters. Maps, waveforms and all relevant parameters are stored in a database and in files. The data products can be modified and reprocessed based on tailored scripts. Customized GMPEs can be configured.

SIGMA provides operators with a user-friendly GUI and great flexibility to manually process data from strong motion and weak motion seismometers. GMPEs based on internal implementations and even external libraries and user-provided scripts can be applied, analyzed and compared. This flexibility allows to interactively find the most appropriate GMPE for the considered region. This GMPE can be used to create maps and reports interactively or automatically by AUTOSIGMA.


Approved by science

The SIGMA module has been demonstrated, promoted and discussed with scientists and the SeisComP community at international science conferences, e.g.:

  • B. Weber, J. Becker, D. Roessler and the team of gempa: Earthquake Intensity and Strong Motion Analysis within SeisComP3, 2017, Bad Breisig, Germany, AG Seismologie meeting
  • B. Weber, J. Becker, H. Ghasemi, P.R. Cummins, J. Murjaya, A. Rudyanto, D. Roessler and team of gempa: EARTHQUAKE INTENSITY AND STRONG MOTION ANALYSIS WITHIN SEISCOMP3, 2017, New Orleans, USA, AGU Fall Meeting, abstract S41F-02
