Real-time structural health monitoring


What is SHARD


SHARD is a web based application to monitor the structural health. PSAs calculated in real-time are compared with response spectra defined in design codes as the EC, NEHRP or DIN codes. Exceedance is checked and warnings are issued upon incidents. In addition to the spectral comparison also data quality as delay and variance are tracked and quality incident reports are generated.

The built-in incident browser allows a quick and easy access to the history showing data quality, exceedance and earthquake occurrence. Incidents are displayed in heat maps giving an instant overview.

Brochure Demo Documentation


  • Real-time calculation of response spectra
  • Monitoring of response spectra exceedance
  • Quality and exceedance incident browser
  • Connectivity to earthquake report service
  • Earthquake report generation
  • Multi structure support
  • Web based application

Web interface


Status information

The top left side of SHARD shows sensor locations and sensor status information as data quality and exceedance level. Also epicentral distance and seismic wave arrival times are shown. The top right side shows the latest earthquake information in the area of interest and the location of the structure.


Real-time PSA exceedance

Response spectra with 5% damping are calculated in real-time being compared with spectra derived from national design codes as for example EC8, NEHRP or DIN4149. In case of exceedance incident reports are generated and a red signal is shown. Quality is displayed in the sensor bar as well as in the channel widget.


Incident heat map

The incident heat map gives an instant overview to the occurance history of earthquakes, exceedances and data quality. The intensity of the color correlates with the number of incidents in the time interval. The higher the number of incidents the higher the intensity of the color.


gempa GmbH offers a strong motion processing package fulfilling the task of real-time structural health monitoring as well as offline analysis.

While SHARD is performing the real-time structural health monitoring the strong motion processing package is complemented by the following modules:

  • CAPS (Common Acquisition and Processing Server)
  • SMGUI (Strong motion analysis)

CAPS is a multi format acquisition server allowing to import data not only form seismic sensors, but also from temperature, video and other sensors.

SMGUI is a GUI to perform offline processing of strong motion data for engineering seismology.

Traditional earthquake engineering parameters like:

  • Root-mean-square (RMS) of acceleration, velocity and displacement
  • Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV)
  • Specific Energy Density (SED)
  • Effective design acceleration (EDA)
  • Predominant (Tp) and mean (Tm) periods
  • Response spectra

The strong motion package also comes with an earthquake reporting engine giving the most important earthquake engineering parameter including waveforms and response spectra plots.

European Regional Development Fund