
Realtime streaming of event information



Calendar based event browser



QuakeLink is our protocol with a appendant software implementation to exchange

  • Earthquake information
  • Station meta data
  • Did-you-feel-it (DYFI) reports

in real-time or time window based. QuakeLink is therefore one of our back-bone modules for redundant and high availability SeisComP systems. A Live Demo is available showing the HTTP interface. Part of this Web interface is the Event Browser which provides an overview of recorded events. QuakeLink also serves as the back-end for our dissemination tool GDS or our Web applications GAPS / WebApps.

With the help of plugins data is imported from different sources, feed to a central archive and forwarded to connected clients. QuakeLink supports standardized XML output formats as well as row-based summary responses, optimized for low bandwidth consumption.

During the development particular attention was payed to fast response times and minimal resource footprint. Conventional software solutions store event and inventory information in a relational database and construct the XML output in dependency of the query parameters. QuakeLink takes a different approach by storing new data in indexed data chunks. These data blocks are much larger than the entities of a normalized database scheme. Hence fewer disk access is needed respectively more data can be written and read constantly.

Demo Documentation



3 redundant SeisComP systems synchronized in real time.

  • Redundant and high availability SeisComP systems
  • Serves inventory and event information in real-time
  • Supports macroseismic observations by serving did-you-feel-it (DYFI) reports
  • Lightweight protocol for minimized packet overhead
  • Archived and real-time data served through one protocol and one connection
  • Fast response times through pre-processed data chunks
  • HTTP interface for monitoring and data access (similar to FDSNWS)
  • Secure communication via SSL
  • Fine-grained access control
  • Provides gzip compressed data streams