Potsdam Summer School
Sep 14, 2015 · Event
Our presentation on “Real-time Earthquake Monitoring with SeisComP3” is available for download . The summer school, entitled “Facing Natural Hazards”, was held from 14. to 23. September in Potsdam, Germany, at German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, IASS, University of Potsdam and AWI.
Mar 25, 2015 · Projects
Oman’s Directorate General of Meteorology and Public Authority for Civil Aviation (DGMET/PACA) launched the Multi Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS) on March 23, 2015. SeisComP3 and many gempa Products are the key components for earthquake analysis and tsunami early warning.
Jan 21, 2015 · Projects
We started to deploy the server hardware for the Tsunami Early Warning System in Muscat to be inaugurated in March 2015. Part of the job was to install a bundle of network cables to connect our rack with the central network patch panel.
Jan 16, 2015 · Media
The Directorate General of Meteorology and Air Navigation / Public Authority for Civil Aviation of Oman (DGMAN/PACA) in collaboration with IOC UNESCO held the second Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Workshop for Tsunami Early Warning Systems in Muscat, Oman, June 8-9 2014.
Dec 15, 2014 · Media
Since we are focusing our work on our projects and our clients, we neglected our online appearance a bit. There are currently so many interesting products in development or ready for production that we want to let you know about them.
Sep 19, 2014 · Products
What? We established an organization at Github to improve collaboration and source code availability. Why? Because we think that Github is a great collaboration platform for software development. Currently people send us patches via email and tracking all issues becomes quite difficult in our email inboxes.
Jul 22, 2014 · Products
Our new add-on for SeisComP3 is out. It is the first Moment Tensor software. Working with SeisComP3 it provides special views to traces and events. Here is a first overview to the new interface.