Monitoring earthquakes at gas storages in Italy
Nov 25, 2016 · Projects
Seiscomp3 and gempa modules will be used by OGS to monitor the seismicty in north-east Italy. The monitoring targets include sites where gas is stored in depleted natural reservoirs. We have trained OGS staff members to use SeisComP3 and the gempa modules for observing and analyzing the earthquakes including their moment tensors.
Oct 28, 2016 · Projects
PACA in Muscat, Oman has been using our GDS for dissemination of earthquake information and scautomt for automatic inversion for earthquake moment tensors. We have now trained SeisComP3 administrators and operators on their usage.
Jul 26, 2016 · Projects
At BMKG in Jakarta, Indonesia , we have upgraded SeisComP3 and TOAST to the latest release and installed the modules MTV and AUTOMT for determination of earthquake moment-tensors. gempa GmbH has been supporting BMKG to establish and to increase capacities for earthquake and tsunami early warning for Indonesia and the Indian Ocean.
Jun 9, 2016 · Projects
We have installed SeisComP3 and gempa modules for earthquake monitoring, research and event dissemination at NRCan offices in Ottawa, Canada. Main entrance group picture. Installation at NRCan.
May 26, 2016 · Training
We have trained 9 seismologists from An-Najah National University , Geophysical Insitute of Israel (GII) and the Jordan Seismological Observatory (JSO) in using SeisComP3 and gempa’s QuakeLink module. After return to their home institutions, the trainees will apply their new knowledge on SeisComP3 to monitor earthquakes and quarry blasts in the Middle East and QuakeLink to exchange earthquake parameters between the three institutions.
Apr 21, 2016 · Earthquake
Local tsunami wave heigths of up to 40 cm where observed for the M7.7 Ecuador earthquake on 16/04/2016. The hypocenter, magnitude, centroid depth and moment tensor were calculated using SeisComP3 and MTV.
Apr 13, 2016 · Earthquake
Seaquakes have the potential to generate destructive tsunamis when the magnitude is large, the earthquake occurs at shallow depth below the ocean floor and the earthquake mechanism has a significant uplift component.
Feb 22, 2016 · Training
ISOR in Reykjavik, Iceland, has been using SeisComP3 for a long time to monitor natural and induced earthquakes at geothermal fields and at the numerous active volcanoes on Iceland. In the future ISOR will even further enhance their monitoring using gempa’s software packages scanloc, sceval, CAPS, the moment tensor module and the mapprojection.
Jan 20, 2016 · Training
We have trained 12 Tunisian specialists in seismology, IT and GPS solutions in the installation, operation and tuning of SeisComP3 in Tunis, Tunisia. Our training supports the National Institute of Meteorology and SLE-GPS solution in building up new capacities for advanced earthquake monitoring in Tunisia and northern Africa.
Dec 21, 2015 · Event
We have experienced a successful week at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco, USA. In a joint booth with OSOP , our partner in South America, we proudly presented gempa’s wide range of SeisComP3-based [software solutions]/products/seiscompro/ including new innovative products for local to teleseismic earthquake analysis, structural health monitoring , volcano monitoring , efficient real-time exchange of waveform data and warning information and many more .
Nov 20, 2015 · Training
We have trained Indonesian experts on TOAST and SeisComP3 for tsunami- and earthquake-early warning at BMKG in Jakarta, Indonesia. In close collaboration with our Indonesian partners at BMKG we build up and maintain early-warning capacities in Indonesia supporting the Republic of Indonesia to be prepared against future natural hazards such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
Oct 21, 2015 · Training
Another SeisComP3 training is taking place in our offices. We are training 8 seismologists, data center operators, IT experts and deputies for capacity building. After the beginners training course, the trainees will be able to install and operate the SeisComP3 software package and to build up capacities for earthquake monitoring at their home institutions.
Oct 9, 2015 · Training
We have trained 8 seismologists, data center operators, IT experts and deputies for capacity building on the SeisComP3 software. After the beginners training course, the trainees will be able to install and operate the SeisComP3 software package and to build up capacities for earthquake monitoring at their home institutions.
Sep 18, 2015 · Earthquake
Gempa has used the in-house development TOAST to predict the tsunami propagation for the very large M8.2 Chile earthquake on 16 September, 2015. TOAST is a key gempa component for tsunami early warning and has been implemented in early warning centers such as in Oman and Indonesia.
Sep 14, 2015 · Event
Our presentation on “Real-time Earthquake Monitoring with SeisComP3” is available for download . The summer school, entitled “Facing Natural Hazards”, was held from 14. to 23. September in Potsdam, Germany, at German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, IASS, University of Potsdam and AWI.