In collaborative SeisComP systems with redundancy or with earthquake solutions imported from foreign systems, external origins are added to your local environment. Such external origins should be treated correctly by your own locally running modules including scanloc or sceval.
In particular you most likely do not wish to let sceval evaluate external origins if they were created with different setups. In redundant SeisComP systems with pipelines external origins are often injected into the LOCATION message group. Here, scanloc and sceval shall not process origins from other pipelines for which they have not been configured.
You may explicitly configure which origins are treated by sceval. When origin.authorWhiteList is set, sceval will only treat origins generated by modules from the given authors. The author names must be unique to each module generating origins as configured by the global parameter author . The author names can be read in XML files, are shown in scolv or in local messages opened with scmm . The new sceval configuration parameter origin.agencyWhiteList simplifies the configuration: Instead of adding a long list of authors just add your very own agency ID and ignore origins imported from all other systems.
Similar to sceval, scanloc the configuration parameter buffer.originAuthorWhiteList is now implemented for confining the buffering of external origins. Setting this parameter prevents scanloc and screloc from running in infinite loops when screloc treats origins by scanloc. Just add the author names of origins that shall be treated, e.g., scautoloc@proc1, but be ignored by screloc . With such a configuration scanloc will ignore origins from your redundant peer or external systems. Previously, additional message groups had to be configured for avoiding such loops. This rather complex setup is not required anymore.
Import earthquake solutions
To get more information on gempa modules supporting to import earthquake solutions as origins from external systems, read the online documentation on ql2sc, ql2ql and qlpush or the newly developed fdsnws2ql. All of them ship with our QuakeLink package.
Enjoy working in collaborative environments with confidence!