We are now providing nightly packages for SeisComP allowing you to download bleeding-edge software packages without compiling yourself. All new features of SeisComP3 have been finally merged into the last release. Therefore, we do not continue to provide nightly builds for SeisComP3 as of release Jakarta 2020.330.
The SeisComP nightly builds will be compiled every night from master branch of all involved repositories. These are beta pre-releases meant for testing new features and upcoming changes. Do not use them in production systems or if you wish to do so then do it at your own risk. Of course we appreciate reports from you of unexpected or wrong behavior which will help us to stabilize upcoming releases.
It is not guaranteed that those builds will be compatible with the last official SeisComP release although chances are pretty high that you will be able to connect with a client of the nightly build to your production environment.
When you switch to nightly builds you have to update all gempa software modules as well. Binary compatibility is only guaranteed within the same SeisComP release.
To enable nightly builds in gsm, please follow these steps:
release = nightly
to update your knowledge about software and install the nightly
packages, consider the usual procedures for
upgrading SeisComP
:$ ./gsm update
$ seiscomp stop
$ ./gsm install
$ seiscomp update-config
$ seiscomp start
$ seiscomp status started
Enjoy experiencing the latest developments by us and the SeisComP community!