Basic Training for SeisComP

Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 27, 2025


gempa GmbH, Potsdam, Germany


Are you ready to dive into the world of SeisComP for real-time earthquake monitoring? Join us for our very popular Basic Training in SeisComP . This Beginner Training is perfect for all who wish to get quickly started with a new productive SeisComP system in the most recent version.

You get to learn about SeisComP from us - the main developers of this wide-spread OpenSource software package for real-time earthquake monitoring. In this regular training we will introduce SeisComP in the latest version to you.

Our program is designed to be highly interactive and engaging. You will not just learn, but actively practice and master SeisComP. To ensure personalized attention and an optimal learning environment, our training is limited to just 8 participants.


Topics covered by the training

  • Introduction to characteristics of SeisComP.
  • Setup of a full SeisComP system from scratch, installation of the latest SeisComP release and future updates.
  • Integration of station information including responses.
  • Setup of an automatic data acquisition, storage and distribution system using SeedLink and basic FDSNWS.
  • Configuration and management of the automatic and interactive data processing module through the graphical user interface and by command-line tools.
  • In-depth introduction and application of graphical user interfaces for data analysis.
  • Data management utilities for flexible interaction with waveform archives and databases on demand.
  • Tuning of SeisComP for local, regional and global earthquake monitoring including waveform processing, automatic phase pickers, event locators and associator. Participants may optimize their system with their own data set.
  • Application and tuning of magnitudes.
  • Hands-on training with focus on application of interactive data analysis, real-time playbacks, off-line playbacks and hands-on tuning.
  • Customization of graphical user interfaces (GUIs).


  • Generation of station meta data including responses of sensors and data loggers from scratch using gempa’s SMP .

gempa software included free of extra charge

Along with the training we provide commercial gempa modules free of extra charge for life-time

  • The QuakeLink software package for real-time exchange of event parameters and redundancy between SeisComP systems or import of event parameters from external FDSNWS servers.
  • The mapprojections package for multiple map projections and high-resolution custom or OpenStreetMap maps.

Please contact us if you wish to add your own topic.


  • 24 - 27 March, 2025
  • 08:30 - 16:00 local time in Potsdam including breaks, optional extension upon participant’s interest and availability


This classroom training will be held face-to-face at our gempa offices .

Course fee

  • 2,200 € per participant including the licenses for all gempa modules listed above and all taxes due in Germany - equally for non-profit or commercial institutes or companies.


Spots are filling up fast! Secure your place and register now for this training. For your registration use the contact form below or contact us by e-mail providing your full name with affiliation and address.


Terms and conditions

Course material

We will provide you our printed course materials for easily following the training.

Hardware and software requirements

Participants bring their own computer with a supported Linux installed and WiFi access. gempa provides software only for Linux distributions with Long-Term-Support (LTS). Participants are responsible for the full functioning of their computer Alternatively, we will provide Linux in a Virtual Machine (VM) for which the participant must have VirtualBox with extension pack installed. Participants are responsible for the installation and the full functioning of the VM before the start of the training.

Please carefully read the Terms and Conditions section in our training overview for the hardware and software requirements of the Basic training.

Accommodation, Boarding, Transportation

The course fee does not cover any cost for accommodation, boarding and transportation. Snacks and drinks will be provided during courses in our offices in Potsdam.

Accommodation and public transport in Potsdam

Potsdam offers a wide range of hotels at different categories. The city center of nearby Berlin is easy to reach by public transportation but at least half an hour extra time should be considered to get to our premises.

You may book your accommodation via Potsdam’s tourist information . Hotels in Potsdam that are close to our premises include:

Public transport in Potsdam and Berlin is usually dense and reliable. Trams, buses and trains at Potsdam’s central train station are within a few minutes walking distance from our office and our training room. Check the connections of tram, bus or train lines:

With many UNESCO World Heritage tourist attractions, Potsdam and Berlin have much to offer after the trainings. We are sure you will enjoy your stay with us.