SeisComP3 release Jakarta-2018.327

Dec 3, 2018


First some statistics for all changes and bugfixes :

794 files have changed, with 72798 insertions and 31008 deletions.

We have released the SeisComP3 in the new version Jakarta-2018.327. For that release many new and valuable features have been added including a major rework of the phase picker in scolv and the new ability to monitor waveform archives for the first time. Other modules have received optimizations or documentations to increase their usability. The database schema upgrades to version 0.11. Very important: ML has been corrected.

Database upgrade

When installing a new SeisComP3 release upgrading the database may be required. The database version will be tested and the required actions will be shown when executing

$ seiscomp update-config

or when pressing the Update Configuration button in scconfig. An upgrade from version 2017.334 will give:

* starting kernel modules
spread is already running
starting scmaster
* configure scmaster
  * check database write access ... OK
  * database schema version is 0.10
  * last migration version is 0.11
  * migration to the current version is required. apply the following
    scripts in exactly the given order:
    * /home/sysop/seiscomp3/share/db/migrations/mysql/0_10_to_0_11.sql
error: updating configuration for scmaster failed

The shown migration scripts can be used directly with the mysql command:

$ mysql -u sysop -p -D seiscomp3 -e 'source /home/sysop/seiscomp3/share/db/migrations/mysql/0_10_to_0_11.sql;'

Using the migration scripts provides a more user friendly way than copying the lines of mysql code from the changelog. In later versions we might add the option to automatically run the migrations.

ML magnitude fix

Previously calculated ML amplitudes were overestimated by a factor 2 resulting in an over-estimation of ML magnitudes by 0.3. Now ML magnitudes are correctly calculated and are smaller then in previous SeisComP3 released by 0.3. All other magnitudes are unchanged.

Data availability

The new data availability data model objects have been introduced. Now waveform properties such as gaps, overlaps or changes in quality parameters like sampling rate can for the first time be stored in the database.

scardac (new)

scardac - the waveform archive data availability collector - is the brand new tool in SeisComP3 for gathering the data availability information from waveforms. scardac scans an SDS waveform archive, e.g., created by slarchive or scart for available miniSEED data. It will collect information about

  • data extents - the absolute earliest and latest times data is available of a particular channel
  • data segments - continuous data segments sharing the same quality and sampling rate attributes.


The picker window in scolv - the main graphical analyst tool has received an updated layout show waveforms more efficiently and with more information:

  • Station and channel codes are now show on top along with information on distance and azimuth from the epicenter to the stations
  • The physical units and the scaling is now shown to the left of the upper trace window
  • The units can be interchanges for all traces from raw sensor units, e.g. counts, to acceleration, velocity and displacement
  • Displayed theoretical arrival - the blue ticks - can now be adjusted by selecting the traveltime table and the interface. This new feature brings your own local velocity model into the scolv picker.
  • Spectrogram can now be shown unsmoothed
  • Toggling between 1 and 3 components is now easy: just press t. This allows you to view 3-component data whenever picking S waves but for picking polarities switching to 1 component is fast and easy.

scmv allows selection based on event type


In the map view, scmv, you can now select or unselect the event type to show on maps.

The positions of maps are now configurable in the global configuration.


scheli plot mimicking traditional drum plots of one station


We have brought scheli alive again by providing a detailed documentation and examples on how to automatically save PNG image. Such PNG image can, e.g., be uploaded to web sites for show instantaneous stations views. Even text overlays are now possible by configuration.


FDSNWS provides the meta data for periods where data are available.


In scesv customized buttons can now be configured to trigger map export. The maps can be used in user-defined scripts which are linked to the buttons. Such script allow report generation, sending of information and much more operators need to in their daily routine work. It can be configured for both optional scripts:

scripts.script1.exportMap = true
scripts.script2.exportMap = true

The generated filename will be appended to the parameter list of each script call.


The module configurations in scconfig now show if bindings can be configured or not.


scconfig is now showing whether or not a module also provides bindings allowing operators to quickly set up the module and to make the right configurations.


FDSNWS provides the data availability feature with the URL builder.


The fdsnws now supports the new data availability object. The user can request the periods of equal data availability and list all gaps, overlaps or changes in meta data such as sampling rates. For this we have developed a new URL builder: activate the availability feature by configuration and navigate to availability in the Web browser after loading the FDSNWS implementation.


FDSNWS provides the meta data for periods where data are available.

To support this new availability feature in even more depth, the station builder can now be commanded to provide the meta data only for periods where data are available.


scautoloc has received new attention. It now supports checking the origin depth before sending it to the SeisComP3. A few optimizations remove issues related to memory leakage.


By adding more phases to the standard phase tables, teleseismic phases are now better supported and can be used for locating earthquakes or simply for showing in the scolv picker window.


In order to make playback and waveform collection for events even easier, scevtstreams now allows more wildcards. It also provides a new option for generating the input request lines for our capstool module which comes with CAPS.


Here we have applied some fixes to correctly convert the data logger information.


scbulletin now consistently supports coordinates in bulletins for local earthquakes with high precision of e-05 degree.

New module documentations

  • scdumpfcg: Dump bindings or module configurations used by a specific module or global for particular stations. Useful do verify the correct configuration.
  • bindings2cfg: Dump global and module bindings configurations. Useful tool for saving the bindings configuration into a XML file for exchange and playbacks.